Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Almond Cherry Cookies

Almond Cherry Cookies
2-2½ C almond pulp (left over from making almond milk and straining with a nut bag.)
¼ C natural peanut butter  
1 C sesame seeds, soaked several hours and drained
1 tsp. almond extract
½ C honey
¼ tsp. nutmeg
½ tsp. cinnamon
1 C Craisins, soaked several hours and drained
Process all ingredients except the Craisins in a high-power blender until smooth. Add the Craisins and blend on low just to chop up the Craisins, not puree them. Press large spoonfuls onto Teflex sheets in a dehydrator.
Dehydrate for 12+ hours until dry on the tops, then flip and dry another 2 hours until desired consistency is

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