Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sauer Kraut

This is my husbands favorite snack when he comes home from work.  He is also very proud of the fact that he can make his own. He did crack my nice big Tupperware bowl while he was doing it. The fun thing about Sauer Kraut is that you can get your frustrations out. I plan to plant a lot of cabbage in my garden this fall so that we can make a lot of this recipe.
Sauer Kraut

2 ¼ lbs finely sliced or shredded cabbage
1 TBS ground or fine salt.  (Himalayan Crystal Salt is what I use)
½ t. caraway seeds (optional) I did not use this in mine.
Place cabbage in a sturdy, large bowl. Sprinkle salt over the top of it. Pound with a meat tenderizer or I use a hammer handle that is new that I only use for this purpose.  Pound and massage the salt into the cabbage until you see a nice brine in the bottom of the bowl.  I place a plate over the cabbage and cover with a towel. Then put weight on the plate and let sit for a couple of hours.
Put the cabbage into a clean, sterile fido jar and pack in tightly. I pound it in with the hammer handle. You will see the brine begin to cover the top of the cabbage.  Fill to the neck of the jar. Make sure that the brine completely covers the cabbage. Seal the jar and place in a dark room. Let sit at least 4 days. More time is better. It will stay on the shelf for years if unopened. Refrigerate after opening. Will stay good in the fridge for several months.

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